Study visit to Slovenia: focus on tobacco control

The first study visit within the PLAC III project has been realised in Slovenia, from 10 to 13 March 2020. Representatives of various Serbian national institutions dealing with tobacco control had the opportunity to exchange experiences with their Slovenian colleagues and hear examples of good practice. The visit was organised by the Policy and Legal Advice Centre project.

At the meetings in Ljubljana, the Slovenian experience in the implementation of the EU acquis in the field of tobacco control was shared by representatives of the ministries of health and finance, as well as representatives of the National Institute of Health, Customs Administration and market inspectorates. On the last day of the visit, representatives of Serbian institutions visited the Slovenian National Laboratory for Health, Food and the Environment, located in Maribor.

The group of 15 representatives of the Republic of Serbia included representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Institute of Public Health “Batut”, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Finance, the Tobacco Administration and the Customs Administration. The study visit was realised within the project activities in the area of negotiation chapter 28 – Consumer and health protection. Negotiating Chapter 28 is one of priority chapters in the PLAC III project activity plan.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09